Friday, March 04, 2005

Extremists applaud murder of judge's relatives

(CNN) -- Investigators still don't know who is responsible for the murder of a Chicago judge's husband and mother on Monday, but white supremacist Web sites are applauding the killings.

Judge Joan Lefkow, 61, was once targeted for death by a white supremacist leader, but officials said there was no clear link to the killings.

Extremists on the Internet "are expressing satisfaction that they have been killed. Judge Lefkow has been vilified in these circles the past three years," explained Mark Pitcavage of the Anti-Defamation League. The ADL monitors a number of extremist sites on the Web and has been keeping close watch on the message traffic since the murders.

A posting on an Aryan Nations message board reads: "If you are doing the bidding of the enemy YOU ARE THE ENEMY!"

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